Privé ontvangst Misstres Zara

The ONly ONE...!!

Gepubliceerd door Misstres Zara (29j) op zondag, 02 maart - 11:37

From the moment you step into My presence you will be under My spell. you will be transfixed by My eyes, your brain will slowly empty, the world as you know it will fade away and you will lose yourself. you will fall at My feet and find yourself completely under My power. I will tease you, I will humiliate you, I will abuse you, and you will love it.

True domination is about penetrating a person’s mind. I like to use My feminine and sensual nature to manipulate people and bring them to a point where their only desire is to obey and please Me. Once a slave is under My control, I enjoy nothing more than guiding them through their darkest fantasies.

It is a genuine pleasure for Me to tie you up, torture you, abuse you, teach you the meaning of psychological control and take complete control of your mind and body. Before you know it I will have you on your knees staring at My feet, waiting expectantly for My next command.

By developing a strong and unique spiritual connection in an atmosphere of mutual respect, I am able to build the most wonderful D/s relationships with My slaves. Whether you’re a novice or experienced sub, I will truly welcome you into My BDSM world. Once in My realm, you will feel completely comfortable abandoning yourself totally to My will. I will become your one true Goddess and your only desire will be worshipping Me as My loyal slave.


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